Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Having hope in spite of feeling hopeless

"Don't lose hope, you never know what tomorrow will bring."  -anonymous 

 A simple statement and a reality that applies in all circumstances of life.

My name is Jessica and I am a new occupational therapist. By new I mean I've been working in this profession for about 1 year. Two weeks ago I fell down the stairs at home and managed to cause some serious damage to my left forearm; changing my circumstances from being a healthy gainfully employed young woman to sitting on the sidelines injured.

I am going to go off topic for a moment to share important information to individuals new to the professional world...

Get insurance, short-term disability, and all the things that may seem unnecessary!!!

Ok back to my point. You can be professionally equipped but one incident can change your life. Something as simple as a mis-step (literally) can change that tomorrow. This freak accident has forced me to think about what I would like ' my tomorrow to bring'. Today I am sure that I don't know, but I am willing to start a new journey.

If anything this will allow me to go from being an occupational therapist who is sympathetic of the journey to recovery to one that is empathetic to the journey.

In life sometimes we need a nudge to make decisions to bring us to our destiny others (like myself) need our very foundation shaken to make a change.

Please join me on this journey where I go from an OT that works the profession to an OT that lives on the other side.

Comments are greatly appreciated! Ideas are always welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Woomsie, I'm so proud of you. You are so genuine and insightful, it's going to be a delight keeping up with your journey :)
