Wednesday, August 6, 2014

When life doesn't go as you planned

" Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realize your hidden potential and power; let difficulties know that you too are difficult. "
- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

There comes a time in life where everything seems like it is going wrong. It feels like life is against you. It is at this time where you will stumble upon a moment of clarity. Only when your heart and mind are ready will you feel a sense of serenity. Everything will look messy and chaotic from the outside, but this is just a cover. Five months ago my chaos began and I could not understand it. Today I feel excited about the future and the new journey that awaits. The lesson I've learned is that time is not promised to anyone. Saving great times and adventures to a later date is prolonging a chapter that needs to end. 

It's okay to be scared. That's normal that's the feeling of stepping outside of your comfort zone. At least that's what I believe. Life is happening around us. We have a choice to let our yesterday affect or tomorrow but if we leave yesterday in the past we make so much room for the future. 

The one thing about life that is interesting is that as much as we all try to plan everything it is apparent to me that we have no control whatsoever. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying to live the day and don't plan anything, but think about it. How many times have you had an idea or plan for something and it didn't go how you pictured it in your head?

To be honest I can recall very few if any time that an event went exactly as I had envisioned. The thing about life is that it is fluid and ever changing and if we try to live a perfect life we will miss out on the beauty of everything. Life is like the ocean; never ending beauty. If you try to box in the ocean it's just a pool. Limited. Life is beautiful and if you sit and actually think about the things that are important for yourself it isn't that complicated. 

Be nice to people. Smile often. Hug one another. Do something stupid. Live outside the box. You never know when you are going to take your last breath so go on adventures and live for the little moments. 

Everyday I google quotes to inspire myself. Yet everyday I still have no idea what I want out of my life. I haven't invested in my own dreams and that's a scary place to be. I have no idea what type of legacy I want to leave behind but that is okay.  This year I have lived through a lot if different events reminding me about life's values. I don't want to spend my life complaining and wishing I could be somewhere else doing something different. It is so easy to get distracted. I think the key to getting back on track when your life is derailed is simple. Take it one day at a time. It is so easy to be stressed and confused and misguided. However it is important to remember to live for yourself while spreading love to others. 

Right now my plan is not having a set plan and really thinking about short term goals. It may take me a while to figure them out but all I can do is live in the present and be grateful for each day. Something I tend to take for granted. 

It's been quite some time since my last post. However this journey continues to be therapeutic. This blog started off about my limitations but I plan to focus on what's happening in the present and my goals and dreams for the near future. 

Until next time,

Jessi Jo 

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