Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Don't give up on YOU

"You will face many defeats in your life, but never let yourself be defeated."

This quote is perfect for many reasons. So many of us face life with many challenges and feel defeated and that's okay, just as long you understand that one loss should not leave you defeated.

Thank you Dr. Maya Angelou  for inspiring  many generations of people and reminding us that we are all valuable. 

Everyday we are all faced with challenges. How is today going to be? What am I going to wear? How will work be today? What will I eat? Will I make it today? How can I be a better me? These are just a few questions that cross my mind. 

Every single day I face the challenge of living in fear vs. living in hope. The world we live in today is not the same as it was 50 years ago. Heck it's not the same way it was 5 years ago. Or maybe it is. Maybe the world isn't changing maybe it's our attitudes. Our perspectives. Maybe it's our reactions that have made the world the way it is. 

I see a lot of pain, I see a lot of regret, I see a lot of fear, and I see a lot of hurt. I see all these things in the area that I work in (geriatrics) but I also see these things in my own life. It is a scary thought to be in a place where you don't know your purpose or better yet you don't understand it. In a world where we are slowly approaching seclusion I am learning that all that we as human beings yearn for is love and acceptance. The only thing that makes us all different is our approach. 

This year I have learned a lot about myself and my perception of the world. It is so easy to judge someone else's actions while praising your own. It is so simple to identify with societal norms and be apart of a pact. It is even easier to compare yourselves with other people. But why? 

Why is it so easy to judge someone but difficult to compliment them? Why is it so simple to talk but hard to listen? Why is it so easy to come up with excuses but difficult to fight against the grain and stand for something? Have we forgotten how to be compassionate? Or are we compassionate when it affects or personal life or when someone dies? 

Have you ever  been told that you're not good enough or you're not smart enough for that? Maybe you've been told you're not tall enough or skinny enough. You might have been told you won't make it or you'll never become CEO. Maybe you've been told you're too stupid or you're too mean. Maybe you're too masculine or too feminine. Have you been told you'll never pass that class? Or you'll never get that job? 

When did we become so bitter? When did we forget to share love and encouragement? Have we forgotten the power of hope?

One person may have told you some hurtful things in your life and you believed them. Maybe at the point in your life they were right, but what if they weren't right about you? People are ever changing and if you're not changing you know how the saying goes..."you're not growing. " Never give up on you! You can lose hope you can lose your dignity but don't ever give up on yourself. Nothing lasts forever.  Whoever told you that you weren't good enough or that you couldn't make it lied. They LIED! 

If you wake up each morning you are making it. If you are able to see the world you are making it. Don't let your current circumstance be your death sentence. Everytime we fall down there is a chance to get back up. You may not always be able to do it alone,but maybe that's a good thing. 

I am going to talk about myself for a moment. For those of you who do not know me I either appear to be a totally friendly person or I am unapproachable. I have been told by many family members that my facial expressions can make me appear disinterested. It's something I am working on. Anyway to get back on topic. I am a very self-conscetious person. Every time I say something or I start a new task I perseverate over it. Many times I envision something negative. Some call it being pessimistic I call it being a realist. Anyway, either way every time I'm negative I am killing an opportunity to help make this world a better place. If every person worked towards being nice and approachable and loving maybe we could help those who have little love and a lot of hate. 
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I couldn't have made it through this journey without family, friends, and this blog. This blog is here for a reason. My life changed 10 weeks ago. My perspective about the world changed since then too. I fell down physically finally catching up with my emotional journey. My foundation was shaken and my soul was awakened. There is so much in life to be angry about but nothing should take your hope and love away.  I was angry about a lot of things in my life. I was living in fear. I was trying to please everybody. I was anxious and afraid. More than any of that, I was loved; I was encouraged; I was uplifted, and most importantly I was given a second chance. 

I am learning that life is an unpredictable journey. When you realize that you are an important piece of life's scattered puzzle maybe then you'll understand the importance of YOU. Even when it seems like life is throwing you under the bus don't give up. The fight you are fighting is not yours alone. It's normal to want to throw in the towel and escape to a fantasy world but then you'll miss the bigger picture. When everything seems like it is falling apart and you're feeling unworthy;remind yourself that your life has purpose. It is up to YOU to give into the  journey called life and find that purpose. 

If you liked what you've read share it. Share it amongst friends or family. Maybe even put your own spin on this weeks post. If I have been lucky enough to inspire you please do your part and inspire someone else. You never know when you may encounter someone on the verge of giving up. 

Thank you for the continued love and support and for allowing me to share my personal thoughts. When I began this journey I just thought I was an occupational therapist going on a journey to recovery. I never thought that I would learn about my life's journey; this is just the beginning. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Excuses Excuses

"Life teaches us to make good use of time, While time teaches us the value of life. " -unknown

Man I started this blog to be an outlet and a way to share this journey I am currently living through. To be perfectly honest each day presents a new challenge. Everyday I have to force myself to push through and smile. If it weren't for me believing that their is something bigger to come out of this, I would have quit. 

I originally planned to write every week. However I think it's more genuine and authentic when I just allow my mind to flow and just think through my topics. 

This week all I seem to think about is excuses. Excuses tend to take over in my life when I start to feel overwhelmed. When I have a lot on my plate I start to slowly shut down and suddenly I become a hot mess full of excuses as to why I did or did not do something. Excuses seem to creep into my life every so often when I feel like I have to prove something to myself or to other people. 

I am 26 years old, I just started working in my career a little over a year ago, and I still manage to make excuses. I get overwhelmed and as I just mentioned I get frazzled and slowly I begin to shut down. I allow my lack of confidence, dictate my actions. I seem to give into my flaws and weaknesses and make excuses. Excuses as to why I couldn't do something in my job. Excuses as to why my paperwork wasn't complete or why I didn't go above and beyond for someone. I just want to be good enough. I have always been a rule follower and I just wanted to stay on course with my skewed beliefs; which leads me back to thinking about why I have chosen this route that I am on. 

In just 2 months I have been through an interesting journey. I feel like I've lived a handful of life changing events that pretty much forced me out of believing I have control of my life. I would like to believe that I am the master of always having a plan when in actuality there is so much going on around me reminding me that my plans may sound good but I need slow down! 

I need to slow down and instead of making excuses as to why I did or did not do something I need to be more assertive and confident and deliberate with the decisions I make. I need to allow myself to make mistakes and grow and work on having a postive mindset. There is not one person on this earth that is perfect and at the end of the day for me I think it is time to just live life and care for people. Treat others the way I would like to be treated and step off the judgement path. 

If I have learned anything from this journey it is that life goes on, excuses or no excuses. People are not going to remember how I feel about this journey but they will remember my reaction. I refuse to let other people and my insecurities dictate my journey.  I will not allow negativity to cloud my purpose. I will, however live life on purpose. I will work on changing this negative into a positive however I am going to need to be held accountable. 

If you are reading this blog thank you for taking a few minutes to read my thoughts. This blog isn't just about me. I know there are people out there who think that they are alone in feeling overwhelmed or even unsure about the choices you are making but I challenge you to leave with this thought in mind; Our days on this earth are limited. How we use our time is on us. We did not know that we were going to be born just as we do not know how and when we will leave this earth. Do not allow family, friends, acquaintances, strangers, or bullies to make decisions for you. An excuse will only set you back from your purpose and at the end of the day how you live your life is solely your decision. 
We all make mistakes. It's not the mistakes that make or break us but it is what we do after that will set precedence on how we act in our own lives. So next time you have an excuse for something remind yourself that excuses make you defensive and allow you to justify behaviors that are detrimental to your growth. Don't make excuses, just live life on purpose! Next time you feel like passing judgement on a person remember that life is full of the imperfect and the unconfident. Excuses allow us to be less accountable. Give people chances and most importantly give yourself a chance. You never know how events in your life can inspire not only yourself but others too. 

Thank you for the continued support. Feel free to leave comments and any recommendations. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Important facts about benefits in Florida...what I learned and you should know

"Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important, capture the good times, develops from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot. "

Anyone who lives in the state of Florida this information is pertinent to you. I am going through the journey of understanding the importance of taking advantage of the benefits that a full-time job offers you. When I got my first job as an occupational therapist I had no idea about benefits. I did not understand the importance of applying for short-term and long-term disability. I did not understand the benefits of choosing insurance with a higher premium. For an educated person I felt so uneducated and confused. Since I don't want to see another person go through the stress and emotional distress I encountered below are some tips for any person who is new to working a full time job with benefits. 
Understand laws in place for long-term and short-term disability:

To qualify for short-term benefits, a claimant must have a specified amount of past employment or earnings and be disabled. (

Basically depending on where you work you will qualify for company paid short term disability after you have worked a certain amount of time. It can range from as little as 30 days to up to a year. This makes sense because getting short-term disability benefits is an expense that your employer will have to take on. 

What happens if you fall outside of the guidelines?...Hold that thought. I will get back to that. 

 Apply for all the benefits when you start a new job. 

This is just my opinion and recommendation. If you are young, single, and you are taking care of yourself  then this is really for you. Prioritize what is important to you. Although you may have youth by your side. Accidents can and do happen. 

Before you sign up for your benefits you can call your insurance company and find out what your co-pay and deductible will be. Before this incident I didnt really understand how insurance worked in an emergency situation. Since I had surgery I met my deductible/ out of pocket costs. Now instead of paying a co-pay for each therapy visit I am covered with no more out of pocket costs. Don't get me wrong I have a hospital bill but having insurance cut a large amount of debt I would have to pay without it. 

If you fall into a situation where you did not purchase short or long-term disability ahead of time, in the state of Florida you may encounter eligibility issues for company paid disability benefits. This is exactly what happened to me. Had I chosen to pay into my short-term disability I would have been covered for up to 10 weeks. However I was not prepared for this injury and am now experiencing financial set backs. If I could  go back in time I would add  short-term disability with the regular benefits. 

Aside from those facts I learned about local and national organizations that help families.

These are just a few websites that can lead you to assistance if you fall into hard times. However if you are able to save money for a rainy day that may be your best bet. I was told by a friend that the standard she heard was to save enough money to hold you over 6 months. For most people this may not be realistic but saving anything can determine the severity of your situation. 

As for me I just have to return to my job due to lack of knowledge regarding my benefit package. If I should ever experience any other injury I now have a better basis of understanding. I have learned a lot through my journey. I now know about my benefits  and its importance. Now it's your turn to learn about yours. 

Take away message:

Inform yourself! Make wise choices! Most importantly get insurance! You don't want to go through a situation where your livelyhood is at stake and your savings is non-existent. Plan ahead. You'll thank yourself later. 

Check out your insurance  company website. Get informed Below are just a handful of commonly known ones:

Blue Cross Blue Shield (Florida Blue)


United Healthcare




I did not take advantage of all the benefits I could have had but luckily through my journey of recovery I have learned a lot. Although  this has been life changing I have been granted a second chance in life. 

Any suggestions for posts? Any questions? Please comment or message me.